Avida-Unilever Partnership

Beautiful and Healthy Beginnings for Your New Home: The Avida - Unilever Partnership

5:06 AM
Nothing can be as exciting as taking your first step inside your new home. It signifies the fulfillment of one of the foremost dreams of Filipino families which is owning a home. With that excitement comes the hope of leading a fruitful and healthy life. Now you and your family can start right with Avida, Domex, and Cif. Your new home will be...


home and living

Taking Care of Home Repairs Before They Result to Major Damage

9:31 PM
All homes are bound to have some point of weakness in the face of natural disturbances such as storms. It is important that these points are taken cared of before it is too late. More so if there are obvious repairs needed to be done. Failing to attend to this immediately could easily result to more damage than expected. This polycarbonate roofing in...



A Lesson in Adulthood Through Typhoon Signals

8:59 PM
Just before the power went off in our area with the coming of Typhoon Glenda, I was having quite a good laugh reading this chart/photo from my Facebook feed. It is funny because it is so true. I had to explain to my children though what it was I was laughing about and in the process ended up with an impromptu lesson in adulthood. Image...


BPO companies

What People DO NOT Understand About Being a Call Center Agent

10:23 PM
I have never worked in a call center company, never.  So what gives me the authority to talk about this topic? It is being a mother to a daughter who has probably made the rounds of the best BPO companies in the Philippines before working in a foreign land beckoned to her. During her time, call center companies were just beginning to be...



One Fine Day at the Baywalk: Reintroducing Manila to My Children

7:31 PM
While going out of Aristocrat Restaurant after a hearty lunch, my children's attention were caught by many people, particularly tourists, having their pictures taken just across. When they asked my husband and I what that place was, we told them it was the Baywalk. The very instant we said that, we knew we have been guilty of not properly introducing them to the...