Independent Study - a Possibility through Kumon

7:40 AM

Our family doesn't say no to opportunities for learning so when Kumon recently offered a two-week trial, I registered my two children for the program . Within the four sessions each given to my two kids, I confirmed what I have always known all along.  Children benefit from a learning system that is simple, consistent, and challenging.


The Kumon Method of Learning is a system of learning that emphasizes daily study and repetition that is provided in an easy starting point and the right level as determined by an assessment test.  New students usually start at a level that is below their actual school grade level to ensure that the basics are solid before they even attempt any further.  The program was originally developed in Japan by a father who wanted to help his son who was having difficulty in Math.  

There are only two programs offered - Math and Reading.  It is not a tutorial program but rather a study program that is intended to complement regular school work.  Every session lasts for about 30 minutes at the frequency of two sessions per week.

Kumon Tips

Parents are given tips to help their children succeed in the program.  It is highly recommended to provide children with a permanent study area in the home that is well-lighted, quiet, and free from distractions.  Parents are only expected to supervise as children answer their worksheets. Daily study of short periods is intended to be part of a child's routine to effectively inculcate the importance of consistency in studying.

These study tips are likewise applicable to a child's daily school work.  Once children have established a regular study time, chances are, they will be the ones to remind their parents.  One good thing I've observed with my children during this very short trial period is that they've easily picked up the idea that they can initiate studying by themselves because of the established routine.

The Expected Benefits

Kumon seeks to provide long-term benefits to children mainly by establishing good study habits and life skills.  Beyond parents' expectations for improved mathematical analysis ability, reading and comprehension ability, as well as logical thinking ability,children are expected to bring the discipline they have acquired up to adulthood.  Children are also expected to gain confidence to face new lessons in school with no apprehension , knowing fully well that they have been prepared  well enough by advanced learning.  

Independence in study is likewise an expected benefit from the program.

My Say

If there is something that I would like my children to get from this experience, it is the understanding for the need to be independent in their studies.  I have been a hands-on mother from day 1 particularly with regards to their personal welfare and studies.  However, I would have to admit that the lessons they are having now is something that I either have to learn or relearn myself.  

Even before I can teach my children anything with regards to their assignments, I find myself studying all over again to come up with the right answers.  Every year, their lessons become more difficult and I would have to concede that there are lessons that I may not be able to teach them.  It is with this realization that I hope my children will find a way to help themselves specifically in areas that are limiting to me.   

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  1. There's Kumon near our place. I've heard about their method of learning but I'm having second thoughts if I'll enroll my daughter or not. Thanks for explaining it further.

  2. yup, there's also one near our home but my kids are really good at math already. Besides, I don't think I can afford to enroll my kids to one.

    1. Many children already good in math are enrolled in kumon for the purpose of further developing their strength in math although I have to agree that cost is a major consideration.

  3. Math and reading are key skills in learning and probably also the hardest part at first. Kumon sharpens a kids mind on these two subjects which gives kids the edge when it comes to learning.

    1. I have seen that edge in my children's classmates taking kumon that is why I got curious about the program.

  4. This is a good program then! I trained my first born to do her homework on her own. I just made sure she's got the foundational skills and let her do it independently. She's been used to it, since grade 2 (she's grade 5 now). I'd just check to make sure it's ok. She's learned to be accountable for her learning.

    1. That's great! Accountability at a young age is quite commendable.

  5. I would like to enroll my kids in Kumon class before but my plans did not push through. Anyways, they have good grades in Math and Reading. Maybe with my toddler when he's ready.

    1. I was informed that Kumon accepts even adults as students although the younger they start, the better.

  6. I heard a lot of success stories with kumon, unfortunate thing is that not everyone can afford to send their kids here, according to some the fees are quite high.

    1. The fee can be a problem although personally I would like to enroll my children if budget allows.

  7. Kumon is good for establishing kids eagerness to study might as well enroll my nephew here. :)

    1. Kumon encourages eagerness in study by allowing children to start at an easy level just to establish the system in the child.

  8. this is a good method of learning... especially with math. for me, math is just the same, people are just making it complicated... there is always a simpler method. Yahweh bless.

    1. Yes, I believe that the secret in Math is to discover how the basics work.

  9. I like how you sort of implied that repetition is the mother of learning. Cliche as that may sound, it's one of the soundest advice we can offer our children. Kumon has a good reputation, especially in Math. I wish there's one near our place. My daughter is struggling a little bit with sophomore Math.

    I, too, go through the process of learning things all over again whenever I had to help my children with lessons in school. The perk of being a parent. :)

    1. We usually learn by experience and there can be no better form than through repetition.

  10. I would love my kids to experience Kumon, unfortunately, I have no idea if it's offered where we are :/ I've searched online but nada...waaah. Looks like a really helpful system...

    1. I personally believe that it is a helpful system but you and your child can develop your own system that works as well.

  11. Kumon is also found here in Thailand. I heard that they really offer effective ways in learning which is really helpful. I wish I had this when was a kid.

    1. Its not too late if you have any use for it since they accept adult students.

  12. Some of my friends from other places enrolled their kids in kumon. And i would love to enrol my son kaso the nearest is 60 kms away;(

  13. We haven't tried Kumon yet, but based on what you have described, we've been doing some of Kumon's study practices at home, like setting a time each day to study and repeating what we have reviewed.


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