Buwan ng Wika

On Teaching Our Children to be True Filipinos

11:34 AM
Today, my children had their culmination activity in school for the yearly celebration of "Buwan ng Wika".  They were required to come in Filipino costume, bring Filipino food to share to their classmates, and participate in various Filipino games scheduled for the day.  What I failed to ask them was if there was any activity for the day that pertains to the use...


absentee parent

The Concept of Family

3:55 AM
What comes to mind when we mention the word family?  A husband and wife with two kids perhaps or more living in a home with picket fence?  A group of people related by blood who love, respect, and care for each other?  What if a family does not fit in to such a description?   The Typical Family A typical family is composed...


children with siblings

The Only Child

6:05 AM
Much has been said about the supposed advantage and disadvantage of being an only child.  Many people hold certain preconceptions similar to beliefs held about personalities based on birth order.  Again, the word "syndrome" comes into the picture providing claims as to certain "truths" when talking about an only child.  The only child syndrome asserts that a child will grow up maladjusted because...


9-12 years old

The Pre-Teen Years- What is Exactly Going On?

6:22 PM
When children hit the age of 9-12 years, they become part of a special group known as pre-teens .  Their level of thinking and needs are entirely different from that of teenagers and that of young children.  These are the children who are about to enter the often tumultuous stage of teenage life or adolescence but are not exactly there yet.  If ages...


Best Personal Blog Contest

Just Passing Thru Turns a New Page

7:30 AM
Just Passing Thru turns a new page in its story via a new layout design.  The original template I used has served me in good stead for about three years.  In the desire to make this blog as visitor-friendly as possible, my eldest daughter who now co-manages my two blogs with me made some tweaks here and there with the physical aspect while...


child's performance in school

Handling a Child's Performance in School

6:56 AM
The first quarterly exams of my children in school was scheduled for last week put pushed through only this week because of the forced vacation brought upon by the non-stop rains and flood.  My children were ecstatic with every day of announcement of no classes.  As for me, I wasn't as thrilled as them not only because I knew what kind of tragedy...


book review

Book Review: Good Enough Parenting-The Sensible Discipline Guide for New Parents

10:27 AM
  Title: Good Enough Parenting-The Sensible Discipline Guide for New Parents (Kindle Edition) Author: Lisl Fair Book Length: 104 pages Main Theme:  This book proposes that parents need not aim for perfection which is something impossible, but rather be good enough parents doing their best for their children, themselves, and their family specifically in the area of discipline. Context of the Book:  The...


Knol Lopez

An Open Letter of a Mother to Her Daughter

11:00 PM
To my dear daughter, The day you came was the happiest moment of my life, incomparable to other memorable moments which I have been fortunate enough to have experienced in this life.  You were the eldest of my children and without loving your siblings any less, you will always be special to me.  We have formed a bond so strong that we usually...


birth order

Is Human Personality Dependent on Birth Order?

11:49 PM
Most of us are probably familiar with the middle-child syndrome which is a prevailing notion that a child or children sandwiched in between the eldest and the youngest are usually "forgotten" by parents in the matter of attention, privileges, and identity.  In terms of personality, they tend to go this way and that, having no clear idea of what he or she is expected...


Just Passing Thru

My Other Blog - teresay.com

1:47 AM
On the first day of August 2012, I started a new phase in my life as a writer. I felt I needed another venue in which to bring out another side of my writing. Since this blog of mine - Just Passing Thru is really quite personal in nature, I thought it would be better to separate the purely informational articles I wish...